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sustem dunps

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it only happens when in a party 11 time todat is their a way to save our xi avd naps


this only happrbs in fights


I'm not understanding what you're saying.


in over 20 areas like elf village sys dropd in middle of fights when travel its ok only random in fights just fights have to relog maps have to be redone xp ok


It happens alot when Doc and I are gaming. I am on a mac, I think he's on a windows machine. Could this be a source of the problem?


it happen to me and kitty tooo i use wwin 10


I have found one consistant reproduciable cause of a dump. In land of giants, if you are in the water, you get dumped. I have done it 3 times to verify. It does not seem to matter where in the water you are. Click detect and you're bounced out.


problem rxists in a paft or alone op sts does not matter maonly occurs over 20 lvl areas only in fights usually manticores or dragons


Is this only happening in groups? is it the same tile that you get dumped on, or the same TYPE of tile (Water, pit, normal)? The next time it happens, can you post a snippet of the system logs for the game either on the GitHub Repo, or the Discord server?

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