MedievaLands Terms of Service

Updated January 1, 2022

Disclaimer of Ownership by Developers.
This is a fan made cross-platform copy of Shadow of Yserbius. This is not an official release, just a closed-source hobby project. The Developers of this Service do not have the permission of the rights holders or owners of Shadow of Yserbius.

This "Terms of Service" ("Contract") is a contract that governs all your use of and access to this client software, the server service, and any associated websites (collectively "Service"). The Contract is between you and the developers of the Service ("Developers"). You must agree to be bound by this Contract to use this Service. The Developers may update this Contract at any time. The Developers will give you notice of updates when you log in to this Service.

Use of your account.
You are responsible for all use associated with your account. You are responsible for protecting your account by choosing a strong password and keeping it secret.

Online Communications.
Other users of this Service may communicate with you. These communications may be upsetting, harmful, inaccurate, incomplete, or not useful. You and users of your account bear all risks associated with viewing or acting on those communications. The Developers do not pre-screen any communications as a matter of policy. The Developers have the right, but not the responsibility, to remove communications at any time for any reason.

Rights to Data and Communications.
You grant the Developers the non-revocable right to use, publish, and create derivative works from any communications you submit to this Service, in any place, at any time. The data that is hosted by the Service is the sole property of the Developers.

Age limitation.
You must be 13 years old, or older, to use this Service.

Limitation of Warranty.
This Service is provided on an as-is, as-available basis. The Developers do not warranty your ability to use or the results of using this Service. The Developers disclaim all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose. Use of this Service is at your own sole risk. The Developers assume no responsibility for damages suffered by you or users of your account.

Limitation of Liability.
The Developers have no liability for any action or inaction, and are not liable for any damages in connection with your use of this Service. You agree that the Developers have no liability to you and users of your account.

Choice of Law.
The Law of the State of Minnesota, USA applies to your access and use of this Service. You agree to the forum of Minnesota for any legal action. If you wish to provide legal notice for any purpose to the Developers, you must do so by e-mail to legal(at)

Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Rules of Conduct

Made with love in MPLS. Write to me at