MedievaLands Rules of Conduct

Updated January 1, 2022

The Developers of this service ("we") will endeavor to make this service a welcoming and harassment-free environment for all users. We have created these "Rules of Conduct" to govern the conduct of users of this service. You agree that you will comply with and be governed by these rules. If you or another user of your account breaks these rules, your account and use of the service may be limited or terminated.

* You may not harass, threaten, embarrass, or cause unwanted attention or discomfort to another person.
* You may not express unwelcome sexual attention to another person, or use sexually explicit language in public channels.
* You may not make personal or political attacks or use derogatory comments to describe any other person.
* You may not publish information which could identify a person without that person's explicit consent.
* You may not organize any groups that are based on, endorse, or promote any discrimination based on identity or background.
* You may not give false information to those who develop and represent the service. You will not fabricate information to make false Complaints.
* You will not attempt to interfere with or hack any server or protocol running the service.
* You will not exploit any bug in the service to gain unfair advantage, and you will not communicate the existence of any bugs to any entity other than those who develop and represent the service.
* You may not impersonate those who develop and represent the service.

Violations of any of the Rules of Conduct may be reported by clicking the "Complain" button within the software. Complaints will be reviewed, though there is no guarantee of timeliness of review. If a response is deemed necessary, a response will be made that is appropriate to the circumstances.

When we feel that it is necessary to follow up with the reporting party, we will do so directly to the reporting party. We will attempt to maintain the confidentiality of the reporter of the incident, but we cannot guarantee that the reporter will remain confidential.

Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Rules of Conduct

Made with love in MPLS. Write to me at