MedievaLands Forums

Poison deaths in monster stacks decrement first, then kill.

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I'm not sure if it's typo or bug, but when a stack of mosters loses one due to poison damage, the message in the scroll is "(N-1 monsters) are wracked by poison, killing 1!"

So, if there are 5 Minotaurs and one dies due to poison, the message in the scroll will be "4 Minotaurs are wracked by poison, killing 1!"

I suspect the code that is involved is reading the current value of the stack after the damage is calculated and the stack decremented, which triggers the routine to broadcast the kill message in the scroll.

If poison only ever kills one at a time, then it would be easy enough to just add a +1 to the kill message broadcast. If poison can potentially kill more than one at a time, then I'm not sure how that part might get fixed.

It's extremely minor, but I thought I should mention it in case it ends up being one of those small things that is actually a big thing that hasn't exploded yet.


Thanks Silver! I am very late in responding to this, but I am pleased to tell you that this bug will be fixed in the very next patch!

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