MedievaLands Forums

Pandemonium Bug or poor walkthrough or bad player?

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I have successfully killed Astelligus, Malos and Corpeus, but now I can no longer get to the nw corner with the starburst ring. I have dropped and retrieved the ring multiple times to no avail. Is there possibly a related bug, or am I missing something?


As Kendo noted in his recent post "dead end with elf glitch" - these old games, and particularly Twinion, don't give you a lot of feedback when you haven't met some condition of accessing a particular part of the map (or have subsequently failed a condition). I'd be happy to look into this though! Would you send me a screenshot of your screen in the place where you think you should be able to move, and facing the direction you think you should be able to move? My email is [email protected].



I think we managed to solve this one.


100% thanks again for the assist! I still think there is a weird operation here, but I'll blame the Queen. First 3 Dralks I did not have to use the ring. The 4th Dralk I had to use the ring, but in another spot. For the final Dralk I am back to the original spot without using the ring, but not only that, I can also access the NW corner from another spot. It's pure Pandemonium as the level would indicate. :)

In either case, the exploration continues. Much appreciated!

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