MedievaLands Forums

Guilds - Accept New Members Defaults to No

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Date: 3/22/20

Time: 10:12 AM CST

Location: Tavern

Issue: I have been noticing an issue where the "Accept New Members" feature seems to turn off at random intervals; it seems to happen most frequently when I log off, but it sometimes seems to happen when a new member is accepted, forcing the guildmaster to have to toggle the feature on again on each individual member invited.

Could this be looked into? It might help in regards to better being able to market guilds to new players if more guilds are showing that they are accepting new members.

- Regi


Hey Regi! I can see this on one my end. I think I know what's causing it. Will have a fix in the next patch.


Yup, fixed in dev. Will be deploying soon.


Excellent, thank you Zane!


Just a note, I'm still seeing this issue popping up from time to time; trying to determine what's triggering it now, as it doesn't seem to be as cut-and-dry as before. Will let you know if I find how to replicate it.

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