MedievaLands Forums

4th party member join client crash

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When a 4th member standing on the spot of 3 joined members attempts to open the map to join, the client crashes for the 4th. Repeatable 100 percent of the time.


Hotspur - I can't replicate this issue.

Does the client disconnect from the server, or does the client actually crash?

Do you see any Exceptions in your log files? Check your /Documents/ folder under /Games/CommunityKit/Logs.

If you can find any logs that end with exceptions, please email them to hello(at) They will help me figure out what is going on here.

Thank you so much!


The only thing that sticks out is 40 or 50 continuous lines of "Warning unknown style parameter: " which later when a join was attempted simply a disconnect


That's helpful, thank you! I have added some functionality to the client so it can send crash logs to the server (unless the crash also took out the crash reporter). I'll keep an eye out for any other crashes. I'll also update that error message so we can see what style param is causing you issues.


Does the client quit, or does it hang?

If it's hanging, I think it will become responsive again in about 30 seconds. I witnessed this last night.

I'm trying to figure out some profiler code that will explore what method is causing this to occur.

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