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Welcome ex-INNers & Newbies!!!

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I'm one of the Kitty's that ran around on TSN/INN and even Emp! IF I am not busy doing something, I'm always willing to help a new adventurer in the 'Cano!

Thus far, I've reacquainted myself with several ex-Inner's! Maybe we can all put up a small note regarding who we are/were and where we've been since that fateful day I was in RPI with several others holding onto the pillars trying to not get kicked out. As we all know, it didn't work..... I look forward to meeting old acquaintances and new adventurers!



I also look forward to helping ex-INNer's reacquaint themselves with the 'Cano!

Elaine Benes

Kitty, what was Emp?


Emp is where we flew to when we left INN. Empiriana.


I started playing in June of 1994 and was always Roxanne in NOR. I even met my husband in the 'cano! He was in NOR and had a character in KAAOS. Wow, those were the times, huh??!

If anyone needs anything I am always willing to help and group with friends!


I was all of eight years old when I was on TSN/INN. It obviously made a huge impression on me - I've been trying to recreate the experience since 1999. I was the programmer of FauxINN (in 2002? 2003?), which was written in VB6 and featured Checkers, Chess, Reversi, Boogers, and mail. This is my third attempt to recreate Yserbius. I'm pleased to have finally made it happen.

My main in Yserbius was Erasmus, a wizard. I wasn't on very often - I doubt any of you remember me - but I remember logging on and being so impressed at how welcoming everyone was. I hope we will do our best to recreate that environment here!


I remember ya Erasmus and I believe I even grouped with him once to wander in the cano or help him with something!


i was on INN back in the day, though i was all of six years old and couldnt remotely remember my character name. unfortunately i also didnt discover the INN revival until it was nearly gone, so i was beyond thrilled when zane announced this.


I don't remember how I found INN Revival, but a few friends and I started playing back in 2012. It was fun trying to piece together what to do from nothing but in-game hints. I recall frequent disconnects and days of unreachable servers, which made figuring out the game much more difficult. We eventually quit because of the unreliable servers, returning in 2013 just in time to see INN Revival die altogether. I managed to get to around Level 25 and went beyond the door, but I can't recall much of what happens past that point. I'm excited to have another chance to explore, though unfortunately I can't seem to persuade my friends to try a third time.

I never took part in any of the INN/Yserbius communities that have popped up over the years, but it's awesome to see that you guys keep finding each other despite having been split up so many times. If you see me, feel free to say hi or give me advice. If I don't reply, I'm probably not paying attention while mindlessly grinding levels, so don't take it personally.


Welcome Farticus! We're glad to have you. I hope you won't be the only person who isn't an INN exile who sticks around

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