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Stat loss from alignment

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Was there a change to allow for regaining stat losses for being the wrong alignment and entering the alignment doors in the dungeon? I've gained a few levels and still have not gotten any stat points and am not maxed in some stats.


I don't believe there was any change for that; entering the wrong alignment door did give a pretty harsh punishment with stat penalty.

That would be an interesting thing to address though.

- Regi


Thank you. Probably best to restart the character then I guess? I'd completely forgotten about the penalty and it's definitely impactful.


Can anyone go into detail on what happens exactly? Is it reversed if you do your alighment or is there a way to tell if you are impacted by this currently? I have a char that I know did the wrong one as well as the right one. In the keep i keep gaining stat points to use but no stats are avaialble to improve. Not sure whats goign on or if I need to keep leveling this char. If they are impacted by this, Id like to know sooner than later so I dont keep spending time on them.


Hi all, I can answer this question.

In 1991 Yserbius, there were map scripts that permanently reduced your stats. I think the Harmony/Chaos doors were one of these areas.

In MedievaLands, I have removed all of these map scripts. The harmony/chaos doors now punish you by removing some experience, but they do not permanently damage your character.

As for the problem Catch22 identified - that you have points to spend but nothing to spend it on - that is an artifact of the original game. Every character will, at max stats and max level, have 4+ unspent stat points. Some characters will also have 'unspendable' spell and skill points. Maybe I should 'hide' those in the keep UI.


Thank you Zane. I think, in my case, I had gone through the doors a few times before that change and did suffer perminant stat loss. Can this be corrected or should I just re-create? Admittedly I'd prefer not to re-create but if that's what I have to do I will!

Thank you,



Im also curious as to if this was done from the start of code or a recent patch/fix.

Is there class/race that has higher exp per level requirements? I note becasue the char I suspect to have been effected by this, seems to level slower and gain fewer points to spend than another char who shows 250k less required exp to hit the same level as another. That char was added later and has already surpased the (oldest) other who had gone into the wrong room.

They party together, but it seems one excels much faster and the exp requirement seems lower on that char.

I dont mind this but just wanted to know if this was normal or something else.


Ram - my change to the map scripts was made in May of 2019, and I also applied a retroactive stat fix to players at that time. I also added a script that checks all player stats whenever the server reboots and fixes them as necessary. Is there a character you think I should take a very close look at to make sure their stats have not been damaged? Please post that here or send it to hello(at) I'm happy to look into it.

Catch22 - The original version of MedievaLands, launched in March 2019, had the exact original map scripts from the single player (box) version of Yserbius. The MedievaLand map scripts were decompiled from the original scripts, which are 16-bit x86 executable overlays. Although the map scripts are the same, the 'engine' that runs them - my server program - is completely new, so I have had to edit the map scripts over time to account for the differences between how the original game (which was almost entirely a single player game, even when played online!) executed its scripts, and how my server (which is entirely multiplayer, even when played alone) executes its scripts.

Along with these adjustments, I've also changed the scripts to make them less punishing overall. I edited the scripts to remove all stat penalties. I also changed the way that the dwarf kingdom lava keyhole and parapet bridge scripts worked - these now allow you to complete these portions of the map as a single player, although it is still easier to complete when working together with another player.

You also asked about differing rates of advancement. It is true that some classes level faster than others. This is from the original game. Happy to answer any questions that you have following that revelation.


Hi Zane,

Thank you for looking into it. This character, Ramerez, is showing defense at 19/21 and agility at just 1 when I look in the guild hall so it looks like my stats are damaged. Perhaps it's just cosmetic?


Ramerez, at your level you should be far from maxed on your status, and should be able to apply points when they are there. If you put everything in Defense, which it looks like you may have done, and nothing into agility, then that is possible. I don't remember if it was every addressed but in the original game if you started visiting locations to max our your stats before you had maxed out your levels, then you would not be able to use those stat points towards an atribute that was already at the max for your race/guild combo.

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