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Solo Report

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For the first time in decades, i've defeated en-li-kil and drank from the fountain of life. A huge thanks to everyone involved in making it possible for me to relive my childhood like this. It took me a bit under 74 hours of solo gameplay to finish the final quest, I think I was around level 47. This is following a walkthrough and generally knowing where I am going. I think someone lucky and determined enough following a plan could probably solo the game in 50-55 hours. I definitely lost time from inefficient stat allocation, fighting battles i wasn't ready for, and mindlessly walking into the ageless void on multiple occassions. Maybe in another 25 years I'll give it another shot...until then happy adventuring :)


Congrats Fieron, and well adventured! Thank you for sharing the tale of your exploits. May your deeds live on forever in the Hall of Heroes (n.b. still under construction).

You are not the only stalwart hero interested in beating the game under a time crunch. Of course, times taken from this iteration of the game are not strictly compatible with the emulated or original versions - both of those run much slower. A benefit, I think, of this reimplementation.

MedievaLands is paid up for the next two years, and will certainly be around for at least that long. Who knows what the future will hold, but regardless of where we venture, I hope to see you again in the dungeons beneath Yserbius.

My best wishes for your future exploits!



I was stuck on the Ace of Spades quest for a long time. I forget what level I was, maybe 40? I actually stopped playing for about 6 months because I could never get past those stupid dragons solo.

When I logged back in, I saw this post, and it kind of showed me I could do it solo, so I just leveled up a few more times, beat the dragons and went on to beat the game.

Like wise, I played this first in the 90s in New Jersey on one of those dial up internet computers and never made it far.

So I just want to thank both of you for this version of the game, and for this post!

As to how long it took me, I can't say cuz the time re-set when I updated the game this past round.

Anyway, it can be done solo! You will have to do some grindy grind, but it can be done!


Edited Aug 31, 2021


Hail Althrumist! Thank you for sharing your tale of victory: congratulations, and well adventured!

Like you I played in the 90s. Like you, I did not make it to the grande finale back then: I was just a kid, and my family's account did not have the hours necessary to reach the deepest depths of the dungeon. Come to think of it, I think I might have made it to the Labyrinth. Once. After someone cheated me through the level 20 portal. I seem to remember immediately dying to dragons thereafter.

But the spark was lit. I knew I had to go back. And nothing makes me happier than hearing of others who also enjoyed the game back then and wanted another go at the 'cano. That's what I'm here for.

Will you be giving Twinion a go then? I hear that another one of our stalwart adventures has recently completed that game solo. As ever, the dungeon awaits!

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