MedievaLands Forums

Party Lobby - No more party disbanding

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I have no idea if this would be possible or not, but I was thinking that while it's no big problem at all, it is rather inconvenient that your party disbands every time you go out of the dungeon, Teleport or otherwise.

What if there was a party lobby chat window of sorts on the main map screen, so when a party leaves to go back to the guild or the tavern, they remain in that party and can communicate. When the leader goes into the depths again, the party will follow automatically.

It may be not even be possible, but it would be super nice to keep the game's flow a bit better!


Unfortunately, not possible given the current design of the server. But a great idea. Will add to the github


'tis a shame, but thank you regardless! It's merely an inconvenience anyway!

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