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Blue Lockpick is the best. Green is worst. The green will only unlock the door at the South east corner of the basement map. If someone knows of another place that it unlocks, let me know. You usually can get the red lockpick in a battle in the Treasury L1 it is in a square are in the south of the map but the path is loaded with trap doors so cast true seeing and avoid any yellow square. The battle is with ghost and zombies but this last time it didn't appear so I had to fight a battle in another square battle.


There is a guaranteed Blue Lockpick down in the Lava Cellar - you'll get it during the same gauntlet of fights that leads to the Lava Key.


I found you don't need the blue lockpick until youre at the Night Elf Ingress. Once you're there, immediately go to the vault, go to the pit to your left, and up and to the left a few blocks is a battle with some blue panthers. They are doable with store bought wind scrolls as I recall. Then if you want you can keep fighting them for sun scrolls and sometimes a death darts scroll will drop.

I found that to be extremely useful until my wizard had the spells I wanted.

EDIT This is for Twinion sorry.

Edited Jan 4, 2023

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