MedievaLands Forums

Feature Request: Include Thread History in Reply Screen

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Although this request in my mind originated from my Roleplaying posts, I feel it could be most helpful even beyond those types of threads. I would like to request a thread "history" when replying to topics; basically the ability to still see the posts in the thread you are responding to while you're typing in your reply. It becomes helpful when responding to a much more detailed topic that requires multiple answers, or you are addressing more than one post. I'm not sure how difficult this would be to implement, but it would help some of us with a bit of a short-term memory.

- Regi


I had the same thought! That is, I found it frustrating to respond to various posts. I hadn't had the thought to add an inline response editor. Shouldn't be that difficult to add, at least on the final page of each thread. It might be harder to add one that would stay open as you flipped through a thread.

This would mean it would be less useful when responding to a thread that had just recently started a new page (I paginate at ten posts). But it would be a good start, at least.

I'll get on it


any chance 4 a cut and paste


Hail Reginald - this has been added. It's a great feature - thanks for thinking it up!


Confirming this works!


It does! Great to see it in effect!

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