MedievaLands Forums

Feature Request - Twinion's Music

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I've been delving a little while in Twinion, and was kind of surprised I didn't hear Twinion's music in the old soundtrack collection. Is this something that can be re-added to the Twinion-side of things? I like the new music, but the nostalgia is killing me in regards to Twinion's music.


I did not remember that Twinion's music was any different! What an oversight! Is it just the main theme in the street, or is the combat music also different? Recording one song wouldn't be difficult; recording is a horse of a whole 'nother calibre.


The game had different music in a few areas; the guild hall, the dungeon, and the street/outdoors. I found a small gameplay footage of Twinion with its old music on YouTube, you can use the link below:

Hope that helps.


The combat music also was different too; it had two types; one for regular combat, and one for difficult/boss combat.


OH GOSH! What a blast from the past! I haven't heard that music in what must be a decade or more.

Thank you for the reminder. I'll see if I can't add it before the big release. I'll add a github issue to track it.

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