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Dragons and Black Dwarf Knights on Labyrinth IV

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Ignore this thread if you want... I'm just venting. But, you must know the fight I'm talking about if you've been down there... ...

I'm at level 56... I have nearly 20,000 HP. How is it possible that I am nowhere close to winning this fight yet? I can get to the end of River's End, but I've only managed to win against this fight ONCE after dozens of attempts. And the time I did, I celebrated, took one step forward... and then began the appropriate tears.


I think the problem is this is an MPOG, and is intended for groups and not solo players. I already have gotten bottlenecked a few times, bu then got into play with others and easily advanced past where I was stuck.

I can make some headway playing alone, but the best is when I play with others. It was also like that when TSN was online.

Edited Mar 31, 2021


Oh, I know. :( Just some lamentation. I figure that any character that could survive long enough to get to the back row and could just cast Death Darts over and over, or even something as simple as Heal on me, and I could guarantee a win every time barring some weird jank.

Thanks for the reply, BTW. :D


Agreed. This series of fights is tied with the final leg od the Card quest for the toughest section of the dungeon outside the Unknown. I'm at L38 now and have cleared everything but these guys and the final quest. I've made it to the 3rd battle and found the best strategy is casting Control until you've got the dragons turned then healing youself while they take each other out and hoping you survive long enough until the numbers become manageable. Usually I don't. At this point its 50-50 whether I can solo En-li-Kil before I'm ready to take on the dwarves of Lookout...

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