MedievaLands Forums

DoT question...

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This afternoon whilst in the 'cano, I happened to notice that one of the poisen DoT that I had cast on a group of lizards killed off one of the group but that was not reflected in the group that I cast it on (nor the other group I was fighting.)

Has anyone else had this occur? I would have taken a screen shot of it but couldn't fiquire out how to do it, lol!! How do I screen shot something?




Isn't posion an area affect spell?


It affects one group at a time. I just thought that was a little odd...So far, it's my favorite spell though


Yes.. its seems to be more balanced.. your spells wear off a mob like it wears off a player. so one cast doen't effect they mobs though the whole battle.. just as long as it would effect a player. I kind of like it. more fair.

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