MedievaLands Forums

Changelog for the 190 series of Updates

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Hi all,

I need to do a better job of posting Changelogs! Here's what I've been working on over the past ten days.

Support for Guilds was added in 192. Since then I've been hotfixing the guild interface. It's working great, and I have some more guild management features coming in the next few days.

Updates 193 and 194 improved the table controls (seen in the Buy and Sell screen in the Guild Hall, and in the Guild Census). I think the new colors for the rows really help different items stick out!

Update 195 added those floating numbers over Character tiles. I also now allow you to log in using the 'enter' key instead of presing a button on the title screen.

Update 196 Added the hotkey 'h' for heal, and added support for re-upping spell effects before they ended. For example, you can now re-cast shield before your shield drops!

Update 197 fixed monster portraits disappearing in combat.

Update 198-19B were focused on adding support for Challenge encounters and the Quest log.


Update 19C is a hotfix! It adds Omniscient and Sensor prisms for sale in the Guild Hall (allowing ALL players access to Detect), fixes the last post counter being incorrect whenever the server is reloaded, and fixes a scaling issue that occured when switching between full screen and windowed mode while the options screen was open.


H is in?!? I didn't see that!


Yup! You can see a list of all shortcuts in the Options menu.

Update 19E adds two huge features:

1. For guilds, you can now manage ranks and set whether your guild will accept new member requests.

2. For characters, you can now see all active buffs and debuffs in your character sheet. The icons are temporary until I get a better set in, which will hopefully be later this month.

Also, I've changed how item spell/skills work. I've done some serious testing on this and everything seems to work, but please be mindful of new bugs.

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