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Notes for Update 177

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Hail friends! Welcome to Build 177, which is made up of 3,919 changed lines of code from the update last weekend. It's been a busy week! I hope you enjoy these new features and bugs fixes:

* Previously you could increase your attributes however you liked. I've now limited your maximum attributes to the maxmimum from the original game. Any points you spent to increase your attributes above these limits have been returned to you. Check ou the Guild Hall!

* The penalties of venturing into areas where your alignment is not welcome have changed - but they are still steep!

* Your deeds of valor are now recorded in the Guild Hall.

* I added a new move/chat mode. Change it in the GAME/Options menu.

* I've added color to spell and skill text that increase your health/mana.

* You can now chat when dead. OooOOooOOOooo!

* You can no longer flee into random encounters - but map event encounters will still happen!

* I added bulletin boards.


Nice, I love the boards! Great idea for keeping up with patch notes!


Thank you for all the work you have put into recreating and constantly updating Yserbius so that ex-Inner's and new adventurers alike can enjoy themselves!

I look forward to checking out the updates within and out of the 'Cano!!!



Not like it's anything new, but Zane, you are the man!


Thank you for bringing back a truly great game. In addition to the enjoyment your work will enable many to experence for the first time, it will no doubt bring back many fond but dusty memories of places and good times spent mutually with online friends. Friends that many of us would never have met because of geographical seperation, social standing or the cloister of professional pursuit, yet through this enabling venue we became real world friends, lovers, business partners and spouses. It appears ZaneDubya that you have proven Thomas Wolfe to be wrong; you can go home again. Talos VOYS


Very cool sir!

Keep up the great work!


Loving the changes so far! Thank you for all of your hard work, Zane


Thanks for the kind words everyone! I am so happy to have people back in the 'Cano.

Today I'm releasing Build 17A, which features:

* I'm actually collecting e-mail addresses now! Previous attempts to collect e-mail addresses were unsuccesful. I'm sorry for the goof!

* You can now use keyboard shortcuts in combat! As when exploring, you'll use P and K for the Spellbook and Skillbook, respectively, and I for Inventory. New shortcuts are A for Attack and F for flee. If you are using Arrows/Non-modal move/chat mode, you'll need to hold down the Control key to use the shortcuts.

* You now automatically level up in the Dungeon! You'll need to return to the Guild Hall to improve your attributes and spells.

* Improvements to board spacing.

* Fix for a crash when viewing the Account screen.

* Infinite Armor now has the correct amount of armor.

* Some miscellaneous tidying of the UI.


Build 17B will be coming out today!

* Fixes a UI lock up for party followers after a map-script related death (for example, falling into the pits in the labryinth). Thanks to everyone who reported this.

* Fixes client disconnects during battle when you use keyboard shortcuts to attack before the currently playing round has ended.

* Fixes issues with chat and keyboard shortcuts interfering with eachother in combat mode.

* Fixes some spelling errors in the character screens.

* Fixes the Wind/Gem quest in Labryinth I.


WOW! Great work Zane! I posted on my FB page today that it would be great if we saw some ex-INNer's and any newbies that want to see what it's like to be here this weekend (or sooner)!

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