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Jester Hat

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Has anyone out there in Twinion-land been successful in getting the Jester Hat? Everything up to the Riddle Room seems to be working well, but once I hit that room, none of the doors work and the signs aren't showing anything.

Did I miss anything?


I had the same problem, and would also be interested to hear if someone has had success, or if it is a glitch in the matrix.

(no deja vu)


Um... it just kind of worked today? I was able to finish the final quest and get the Jester's Hat (and 10,000,000 EXP along with it).

One thing that I saw this time that I don't recall seeing before was that I fought the Ogress. I may have before and just didn't remember, but this time I definitely did. And everything else went exactly as described. GG. The Jester's Hat is incredible.


Hey Tugger - I figured it out. You can reset that part of the dungeon by dying first. I was able to make it through the Riddle Room again. I remembered I tried to fight the Queen again right before I went down and died. So I tried dying again and, sure enough, the Ogress appeared and then the correct door was available.

Edited Aug 31, 2021


Update on this:

I tried it again, and here's what happened.

The Major domo was still missing, the ogress was missing, and the bars were missing... but I did get through the door into the vortex!

By the same token, I noticed the prisoners would say something, and then it would say "The prisoner mutters frantically:"

and there would be nothing to follow it, much as the doors in the riddle room were doing before.

So dying worked in that it got me through the door, but there seem to be a number of crossed wires in this level.

Then of course both steak dissapeared at once and I was torn apart... so we'll see!


To follow that up, and maybe I should put this in Bug Reports, but NOW Naomi doesn't appear on the path to the Steaks, and indeed the steaks no longer appear at all.

I died, and tried the whole path again.


Hail all,

Thanks for continuing to trouble shoot this TMG! In complete transparency, the Twinion map scripts are entirely unedited from the original game; they were transpiled directly from the type of code that ran on the circa 1992 client (C, that was compiled to x86) to the code that runs on the MedievaLands server (C#). I am certain that any bugs that you encounter in these scripts were also present in the original game.

This is supported by statements by the developer of Cawdor, Richard Aronson. Aronson has stated in various interviews that some of the levels of Twinion were buggy, and that he had some success in fixing these prior to beginning his work on Cawdor.

That said, I've made some changes to the Yserbius scripts on MedievaLands to make them more understandable. Perhaps I should do the same for Twinion... but I admit that I would need some guidance into what exactly is going wrong, and where on the map.


I'll make an effort into seeing if I can find out exactly where the hiccup is happening.

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