MedievaLands Forums

Instability while exploring...

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Hail friends,

This latest update includes a great deal of code meant to support a better UI for exploring the dungeon. I am nearly ready to deploy this new UI - but not quite yet. In the meantime, the fusion of old and new code behind the scenes might cause more oddness in the dungeon than you might expect.

Specifically, if the UI seems buggy - if windows don't close, or things look terribly wrong, or the client crashes - please let me know, and I'll look in to the issue.

Take care, and keep in touch!

Edited Sep 7, 2021


found a bug, when grouped the map, spell and skill books are grayed out. my hot keys will open those books and when in battle the books are active. its just when exploring, walking around the books are grayed


Thanks Tamasan! I am pushing a fix in just a moment for this issue.

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